Wednesday 31 August 2011

Come and support our youngsters in 'A Weekend of One Act Plays"!

A weekend of One Act Plays!
Come along and see an ultra exciting, fun and entertaining variety of drama, comedy, dance and song! Come check it out!

Exit 2nd Banana
Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd September at 7pm

Brought to you by the Performance A.C.T.A class.
A bunch of carnival freaks are under investigation for a
murder in their midst. A classic detective story set under
the big top!
Tickets: $10

A Bag of Allsorts 
Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th September at 2pm
The Journey – brought to you by the Junior A.C.T.A
class. Join Leo the Lion as she embarks on her quest to
find the magical healing crystal!
Big Top Time and An Alien Flight – brought to you by the
Senior A.C.T.A class. Check out the disastrous auditions
for the local circus and the dramas of a Space Ship crew
lost in space.
Also! Performances by the Hip Hop dance class and Ballet Classes!

Tickets: Adults $8 Child $5

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